2. "a paying investment" to aid Russia (FDR memo Jan. 23)
3. invade Sicily - op. HUSKY
4. BOLERO buildup, bomber offensive
5. Pacific operations, aid China
Ike promoted to full general and overall command, but British skeptical of
Ike; Alan Brooke able to appoint Harold Alexander as commander of ground
troops in Tunisia
Mediterranean map top - midbott from
ILN 1941/04/19
from East - Gen. Kenneth Anderson & British 1st Army and Gen. Bernard
Montgomery & British 8th Army
from West - Gen. L.R. Fredendall & U.S. Army 2nd Corps
held back in reserve - Gen. Mark Clark & US 5th Army
Gen. Carl Spaatz led U.S. Air forces, but Arthur Tedder was the Allied Air