Victory in Tunisia - Europe 1943

FDR and Churchill at Casablanca Conference, from ILN cover, 2/6/43

Casablanca Conference Jan. 14-24, 1943

Giraud and DeGaulle "forced" handshake
from ILN 1943/02/06
from ILN 1943/02/20
FDR and Churchill meet in North Africa - images of the 5th war conference

Casablanca decisions:


Mediterranean map top - mid bott
from ILN 1941/04/19

Tunisia map
from ILN 1943/05/08 - large
German reinforcement of Tunisia
German offensive started in Jan. 1943
George Patton
from ILN 1943/03/27

Feb. 19 - Kasserine Pass in the western dorsal
March 4 - 2-star Gen. George S. Patton arrived
German prisoners in Tunisia
led by Brit with white flag
from ILN 1943/05/22
Mar. 16 - Gafsa, El Guettar

Mar. 20 - Monty attacks Mareth line Apr. 1 - Patton drove down road to Gabes - through minefield

Apr. 22 - Allies shot down 16 of 21 Gigant motorised gliders
German gliders used in Crete
from ILN 1941/07/26 - large
Apr. 30 - Germans out of fuel - distilled from local wines and spirits

May 7 - fall of Bizerte

May 8 - Luftwaffe abandoned Tunisia

May 13 - final surrender of German & Italian army - 275,000

Eastern Front

Russian Caucasus offensive successful - map from Eastern Front images
Jan. 31 - Paulus surrendered at Stalingrad
Feb. 8 - Kursk taken - salient formed in Russian front
Feb. 16 - Kharkov taken
Feb. 22 - Manstein's counteroffensive began from south
July 12 - battle of Kursk - 1800 tanks - largest of the war

Image of War changes

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